Friday, June 1, 2018

"Beauty Still Exists"

                These delicate little begonias are making me happy. 6-1-2018 Perryton, TX
These delicate little begonias are not much to look at now, but they have come so far from behind till I am excited. When I first set them out it looked impossible for them to survive. They gave me a big surprise. I love to baby the babies, and watch them start to grow. It's just part of me that makes me weird. I don't want your flowers I want my own. Isn't that just like a mother. My children, and grandchildren, are all part of my eternal flower garden. They never stop blooming, and I believe will continue to bloom in heaven. I will care for them until I die.

I had another good day at the Center today. Enjoyed sitting with some friends whom I hadn't see for awhile. I hope they start coming more often. I came straight home from the Center, and have done almost nothing since. It was a day of rest for me. However, I did make a pot of chili for Chuck and I. Some of it will go in the freezer for later on. I may take some to a friend who fell yesterday and broke a shoulder. She is going to have it rough for awhile. She was already dealing with health problems, and she did not need this accident to happen. This lady has always bounced back from all knock-downs, and I'm sure she will again. Living alone makes it harder, but somehow she manages.

I have watched a lot of news today. I am seeing happen just what I had predicated would happen, although it hasn't completely materialized yet. I had said I believed President Trump was about to hand us another big surprise when he called off the Summit with the North Korean Leader, Kim Jong Un. Today I am hearing the Summit probably will happen at the same time as scheduled at the same place. If only people would trust our President after over a year of proof that he will do what he said he would do. It's so easy to pick out the Trump supporters who are weak with their faith in him from those who absolutely are afraid that he will make America Great again. America is divided, and people need to realize that and start helping our President take control of this Great Country. We Christian people who were taught to do this, “if you can't say something good about someone don't say anything at all,” are now going to have to speak out whether it be good or bad. It's hard for us to do, but God told us in His Word that we will have to be judges in time. He said even the Angels will judge. This means we will have to take lots of knocks, but let us not fail to do our job. We are now living in a time of “knock down, and drag outs.” I have already started my judging, but need to get a little braver with it. God help us all to know the difference between wise, and stupid. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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