Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Another Chance At Beauty"

     The roses finally decided to show up. Better late than never. 6-28-2018 Perryton, TX

I got a very pleasant surprise today. One of my rose bushes had several beautiful roses to open up. They are the first ones all summer to bloom. It's been too hot, but we have had a few cooler days since all the rain. I have quite a lot of rose bushes, and they usually make my yard look awesome all through summer. I have missed their lovely colors, and fancy climbing, a lot. They are giving me hope now. The ones I have posted have the most gorgeous, crimson red color I have ever seen. They also grow big pedals, and almost look fake because of their perfection. They just made my day, today.

While at work today I was hearing part of the news. I only got bits and pieces, but when I got home I have learned a lot of troubling stuff. More deadly shootings. More evil testimony to Congress from two members of our “once upon a time,” trusted Justice Department. I don't know how anyone could deny that America is on the brink of collapse. Our own trusted members of the core of our countries safety has become the worse enemy we've ever had to deal with. I have watched today what I call a disgraceful, combative, Congressional hearing among the two highest branches of government in our countries power house. This has got to be the deciding point for an upcoming Civil war. I would hope every American loving citizen will join the remenient of this great nation, and fight with everything in their power to destroy the very appearance of evil. We owe it to God, and to our children's children. We must not be the silent majority any longer. If we give into this evil, corrupt, attempt to destroy God, and Jesus Christ, then we also will be a part of the “Forever Dammed.” Most of us never dreamed we would have to be a part of the deadly force that overpowered man in the Garden of Eden. But until Jesus comes back to take His people away, this evil power will continue. I don't want to chose my way to die. I want God to chose that for me. However, I do know we are to deny Satan, and follow Christ. Prayer is a powerful defense, and I believe if we use that weapon we will be saved from bloodshed. My life is in God's hand, and I am trusting Him every day. “Not my will, but Thine be done.” I know I sound terrible to many who have never tasted Jesus for what He is, but I have met Him, and I know He is real. A bible quote, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” You have been invited, but if you refuse you will be lost forever. I can't stress enough how important it is for people to quit mocking God, and join hands with Him.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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