Monday, March 12, 2018

"No Underground Rocks Moving"

   My next door neighbors are getting a new driveway and sidewalks. 3-12-2018 Perryton, TX

I thought for awhile an earth quake was happening under my feet today while sitting in my recliner. I could feel something moving, seemingly a way down. When I got up and looked out I could see a big concrete lifter loading large slabs of concrete blocks into a truck. My neighbors were getting a new double wide driveway, and sidewalks. I thought they had an excellent drive already. I am at wonder as to why they dug up the old, and are replacing them. Both of the old people who live there are disabled, and have help with them all the time. I didn’t have a chance to ask them why they were replacing the old ones. I do know that they have always been quick to fix or replace anything around their place if it needs any attention at all. It really helps to show off my flaws. I still have a lot of country left in me. I can do without a lot of perfection that some people can’t. Anyway I was relieved to find out we were not having an earth quake. The desire to keep everything in mint condition is probably why the couple have lived to be in their nineties, and until recently have lived alone, and did their own yard work. They kept their bodies up also. They are fortunate enough to have all the money they need. Very nice neighbors indeed.

I have not left my house today. It’s so nice to just relax, and enjoy my home. The weather has warmed up, and the wind has settled a lot. The fruit trees are blooming, and the crocus are showing their under ware of purple. I am very excited that winter has finally passed. I missed the lunch at Senior Citizen’s today because they were having breakfast for lunch. That only happens once a year, and it’s always at night. I don’t know why it was different today. I just didn’t want two breakfasts back to back. Although, it is always a wonderful breakfast buffet of everything you might want. The day has passed quickly without me shedding many tears. It has been hard to sit home, and think of all the good memories of the past, along with some not so good. That is the price we pay for not working any more. The old bodies will not let us do much so we have a lot of wasted time to deal with. I will never get over the guilt for not keeping my house spotless, and windows washed. That is ridiculous I know, but it does bother me a lot. Anything I do for a hobby just messes my house up more. Oh me, call before you come. Just kidding. I can except the change in my life because I am too tired to worry about it. As long as I am still able to drive my car, take a bubble bath, go shopping, talk to my friends on the phone, use my computer, and cook my meals, why should I worry? I should feel mighty blessed, and I do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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