Sunday, March 4, 2018

"My Sunshine Sunday"

At 7:00 a.m.this morning I woke up to see this light in the Eastern horizon. 3-4-2018 Perryton, TX
               10 minutes later the view was this. Hoe Great is our God! 3-4-2018 Perryton, TX

This Sunday morning I jumped out of bed early to have my usual time of drinking coffee, and getting my brains to working before getting ready for church. I was overwhelmed at this gorgeous sun just coming up in the eastern horizon. I grabbed my camera, and shot this lovely sight of God’s gracious artwork. I have taken many pictures of the sunrise, sunset, and everything else in between, but none of them are alike. They all seem to have a different message to offer. These sky scenes change so quickly I have to hurry each time I see a perfect one, and want a picture. I made these two shots just ten minutes a part, and the beautiful red back grown had already changed to yellow tones. My day was started with an awesome, happy, and exciting feeling without anything else having to happen. I had three and one-half hours left before church, so I ate breakfast, and soaked in a tub of bubble bath for an extra long time. I then finished a pot of coffee before dressing for church. I felt like a person of pleasure, and leisure. I tried to remain positive during church, but the atmosphere there was not the same as where I had just left. I think my home gets sweeter every day. Yet I know it is necessary that I continue to get out, and enjoy the wonderful people God has put in my life. 

After lunch I took a short nap, then decided to write my daily blog. Sundays have always been special to me, but since losing my husband they have been difficult to live through. I anxiously wait for Monday morning to get here. The rest of the week seems to fly by. I never know what I’m going to do through out the week because I change my mind so much. I hardly will commit myself to a task because I worry about having to go through with the promise. I love the idea of freedom, and independence. That is the best part about being retired. I have become a dear friend of procrastinate. She spends a lot of time with me. However, sometimes I run her off, and work like crazy. I have always enjoyed competing. All my childhood life I was taught to do my very best. To this day I believe God wants us to do our best. When I do accept a job of responsibility, I plan to do my best whatever it takes. I don’t accept defeat easy so look out when you see me going against your plan. That is if I am chosen to be the competitor. I am at this time involved with a situation that requires great faith, and a lot of wisdom. When this matter is over I will let you know if I was part of the success, or part of the defeat. My position is one that is used in secret mostly, although I do not hide my preference. Hang in with me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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