Friday, March 2, 2018

"Know Your True Friends"

               A shot of friendship is better than a shot of penicillium. 3-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Times will come when your closest friends will frown on you if you don’t agree with everything they want you to. Politics always brings out the worst in people who already have a bad attitude. I can honestly say I will not turn against any of my friends regardless of how much they disagree with me on my opinions, but I will campaign for the person that I think is best for the job. I posted a picture of myself, and a good friend, Ladonna Gatlin, on my blog this morning. She is not someone whom I personally visit with regularly because she is a busy speaker for Christian groups seeking great talent. Here is what she has to say about herself.

Ladonna Gatlin- defies conventional wisdom that says a performer must “pick a lane” and be only one thing…a speaker a singer  a concert artist a songwriter a humorist an author an entertainer “why in the world would I pick only one, when I’m all of those things? I’m a woman (I’m 63...get over it) a wife (married 42 years to the same man!) a grandmother (7 of ‘em and mine are CUTER than yours!) a daughter (Mom and Dad raised me right!) a sister (lets hear it for Gatlin Boys!) a friend ( hopefully a good friend!) Sometimes I’m even a pain! But I bring ALL of that with me every time I step onto the stage.

Ladonna Gatlin CSP CPAE. Speaking of the stage, “Ladonna was born on one.”

I unloaded this morning to another good friend about my dislike from some of those whom I angered when I invited my candidate to a luncheon that they always attend. I was unable to pull up this friend’s  picture, (beings I have so many,) so I put Ladonna Gatlin, and myself on instead. The friend I did visit with told me to never let disagreement come between me and a friend. She said everyone has to deal with disagreeable people sometimes. Life she said, can never be that perfect for anyone, although it would be nice. I will continue to speak my preference of candidates, no matter who I may anger. I will also work for them to get elected. If my friendship doesn’t mean any more to them than that, then I don’t consider them a true friend anyway. I didn’t disown my children because we didn’t agree, but after all they were just children. After they grew up they changed their opinion  to agree with mine most of the time. When they don’t I still love, and support them.

I must say that the times we’re living in now are most troublesome, and I believe everyone should take some responsibility for improving the anger, and disrespect that has flooded our nation. That cannot be accomplished by adding more anger, and disrespect.  We see too much fighting on television already. Let us not add to it in our own vicinity. Let God be the Judge. He will always be fair.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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