Friday, March 9, 2018

"Green Is In This Month"

          St. Patrick's Day at the Center 3-9-2014. 4 years ago today. 3-9-2018 Perryton, TX

This is the month of St. Patrick’s Day. The tables at the Citizen’s Center are decorated so nicely. I wanted to show just how nice this group of ladies do in making our Center come alive with memories of the past. This picture was taken four years ago today at the Center. The entire month of the designated, celebrated event is filled with excitement. No loss of memory can stay lost for long. A friend and I will be going to Clinton, Oklahoma on St. Patrick’s Day next Saturday, March 17, 2018. We will be getting our happy spirits back form a long time of missing out on our fun, and excitement of the Lucky Star Casino there. My friend has been through a long period of almost, “home bound,” sickness. She is, by faith, planning to make this event happen with me. I trust it will make a positive improvement on her weak body, and help her forget the pain she has been dealing with. I too need a, get away, time of forgetting some unpleasant activity that happened during my absence from an exciting, concentrative, place of, burying the problems. I also need to celebrate some very good happenings that I call a miracle. Both needs will be complete when my friend, and I, get together to laugh our heads off. Thank God for friends, and pleasure. Both are a blessing to me from God. I trust everything to go as planned for a wonderful week-end. Until then I will watch the clock slowly move it’s hands.

I’m angry about dead leaves piling up again where I had cleaned them off. The wind has blown constantly for two months. I wish I could leave now. My hard labor just seems to get harder, but I know I must keep exercising these old bones. I would rather rake leaves, and cut weeds, than ride a bicycle or walk a mile every day. I wonder what will happen when I lose all of my determination. I really have to work harder at that than anything else. Even the fun, enjoyable things I like to do, I still have to push laziness out of my way. I am still big enough to do that now. Also I am moved by moods. When a mood strikes me I want to do it now. I believe this behavior is called “second childhood.” My children are so good about helping me live my second childhood. I think they remember when they were living their first, how difficult they made it for me sometimes. Oh! How much I love these kids God gave me. Four of them along with six grand’s that they were blessed with. I can never let them steal my brain, I can only loan it to them. They are ok with that. Most of them have received more degrees than I, if that makes any difference. Tell me how God could love us so much?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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