Monday, March 12, 2018

"An Unusual Take Of A flying Bird"

A bird in flight is hard to catch with my still camera. Just an accident. 3-12-2018 Perryton, TX

I was out watering this morning when I noticed two ring neck doves  perched in a tree side by side. I raised my camera, but before it snapped the birds flew. One of them did get in the picture, but only by accident. My still camera just cannot get a bird in flight. It’s too slow, but this one is special. This is the time of year that ring neck doves come to visit me. They are large, and dominate the trees. I usually see them in pairs, although there may be several pairs in the same tree. I’m reminded of the old saying, “birds of a feather flock together.” I won’t be seeing any other bird until these ring necks leave. They usually don’t stay long. That’s all I know about them since I don’t study birds. I do enjoy watching them, because they are such interesting, feathered, little creatures. Sometimes I see colored feathers that are so beautiful. Others are adorned with the drab colors of gray and black with white tails, and white tipped wings. Some have long fan-like tails, and others have almost no tails at all. Almost like humans in some ways. God made us all, but He chose to make us walk instead of fly.

If anyone is reading this blog today that has asked to be friends with me, let me apologize now. I am informed by face book to not accept any friend request except those that I know, or another friend of mine knows.  That sounds extreme, but this world has gotten so mean till it’s hard for good people to connect. I would love to accept all friend request, but  just cannot take the chance. God help us to know how to weed the bad ones out. I do appreciate all my friends on face book who are, like myself, just friendly, and nothing else. Friends help friends, not hurt them. Friends make other friends proud, not embarrass them. Friends share their happiness as well as their desire for prayers, and understanding. Friends offer any help they may deem helpful, but do not expect mean, offensive replies in return. People can disagree without being told to “shut the hell up.” I can say I have some of the most loving, intelligent, informing, interesting, and humorous friends possible. I thank God for all of them. I love them with all my heart. And some whom I have had to un-friend, I still love you, but could not let my other friends be insulted by you. Anytime you decide to seek professional help, I will be glad to accept you again as my friend. Sometimes I feel honored to be sent a friend’s request, but also sometimes people’s face book accounts gets hacked, and an evil person is trying to hurt you. So sad, but so true. I am hoping for a future way to be sure of a true request before you accept. End of my explanation. I hope I have made myself clear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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