Thursday, February 1, 2018

"After The Wedding Picture"

       2-2-1950 wedding picture of Charles and Myrtle Jean Sharp. 2-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Today February 2, 2018 would be my husband’s and mine 68th wedding anniversary. He passed away five years ago. We had a good life and raised four children. Only one son, Chuck, lives near me. The others are all about four hundred miles from me. I still live in the same house my husband and I shared for forty-four years. It’s been lonely since he left, but I have so many good memories. My four bedroom home is filled with memories. I have been giving some things to my children, and grandchildren, but there is still much left to part with unless I go before that happens. Everything in this house is special to me. I’m just that kind of a pack-rat. One of my worst worries about leaving this world behind is, what about all my personal, loving, things that no one else would want. Like trophies, plaques, pins, certificates, and many other items we received for awards for something outstanding we did. I just remembered the Texas flag that was given to us on our 50th wedding anniversary by our State Representative. It has a memo with it saying it had flown over the Capital Building in Austin Texas, for one day. It is still folded, and lying in the same box it was given to us in. I am not exaggerating when I say every room, closet, wall, and drawer is filled with things like this. I have to wish I could take them with me, but I know that can’t happen. I trust God will let me get over my love for these things when that time comes. Is it any wonder why my mind dwells on what will I do for things in heaven that has made my life so interesting here on earth? If I can just be reunited with all my family, and friends, then that would be enough to make me happy through out all eternity.

I cut my own hair this week, and styled it. Today I put a rinse on it, and I am as pleased as a Grammy winner. No one has ever pleased me about doing my hair. I have been to a Beauty Salon only a few times. I love my originality character. It doesn’t bother me if anyone else likes it or not. I never enjoyed being in a group of look-a-likes. Tomorrow I will be going to the Center again for lunch. I will just have to lift my hair a bit after sleeping on it, put my make-up on, and dress. It’s always a time of enjoyment, and I am thankful for such a nice place we have. I am not looking forward to coming home and cleaning house. That’s the one thing I don’t enjoy, but that too must happen soon or later. I’m expecting company this month, so there is lots to do before they come. I love company, and I want everything to be nice for them, although I will still have my “some clutter.” It’s almost like someone who wears their cap on backwards.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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