Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Know That I Am The Sun Of God"

At 39 degree this morning in Perryton, Texas, the sun was trying to take control. 1-7-2018 Perryton, TX

After a few days of nice weather we Texans are now enduring cold, windy, and cloudy days. At 9:00 this morning I got a shot of the sun trying to come out, but it didn’t stay long. The sky is hazy now, and it’s still cold. I am set for spending the day at home, drinking coffee, and reading a book. I still have sunshine in my heart although it may not be so outside. I am sure if things get too bad for me Jesus will come walking on the water. I have to be thankful for the minor storms that do happen in my life. They could be much more disastrous. One thing we can be sure of is the peace, and calm after the storm is over. Life has it’s frightening moods, it’s boredom moods, then it’s glorious moods. I can wait for the last. They are certain.

The first Widow, and Widower’s meeting for the new year was last night. It started off to a good, enthusiastic, evening of humor, and thanksgiving. Everyone is expecting another blessed year. The oldest person there was 89, and we were all left in awe when she told us her age. She would pass for 70. That alone gave a lot of us more hope for a blessed new year. All birthdays are honored at the meetings as they become applicable. No one is asked to give their age, but it seems as though everyone is eager to do so. It could be that these seniors have graduated to the highest ranks in life. Thank God for His loving, protecting hand on each one. I must make a correction. I remember the oldest person there is in her nineties, I believe 93. She also looks younger, but does have the help of a cane. The 89 year old looks like she could win a foot race. God is also blessed to have this group of loving men, and women, to be a Christ-like example for the younger set.

I would like to say, “Thank you” to all my readers in other countries. The list is growing daily, and I hope I can be a blessing to you all. I am aware of some of the difficulties in your countries. I have everyone of you on my prayer list. God is with you just like He is with America. Even though we cannot communicate with each other, I see your visit to my blog daily. You can rest assured that my God is your God, and He is guiding you just like He is me. Never, never give up, even though some of you may have been cut off from my blogs for awhile, God got you back on. He never fails, and I will never fail to pray for you. However dark the clouds may get, the sun is always shinning somewhere. It will shine on you in due time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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