Saturday, January 6, 2018

"I've Never Let Go"

Myrtle Jean and Charles Sharp with grandson, Arron Twilligear, learning to walk. Picture taken in 1980. Read my reason for putting it on. 1-6-2018 Perryton, TX.

Quite often we are criticized for who we are, or what we do, but I will always be what God made me to be in spite of everything I have to deal with. I can’t even compare my criticism to that of Jesus all the years He lived on earth. I’m glad to be given the strength to take whatever beatings I must take in order to follow God’s request of me. Of my own will I would never do some of the things I do, but, “ it’s not my will, but thine be done.”

This little grandson I have posted a picture of is now 39 years old. He is very precious to me. He has a beautiful wife, and a very pretty, sweet little girl after waiting nearly ten years for her. He has a good job of several years, but is now seeking to change to another job preference. In his early teen-age years, he developed a growth on one of his ear drums. The diagnosis was to remove the tumor, but it would probably cause loss of hearing in that ear. His parents made the decision to have it removed. He did lose his hearing in that ear, and probably because of the surgery the other ear was affected some. The child did very well all of his teen years and graduated from college. Luckily he was accepted with a state agency that required first class physical, and mental abilities. He has been with that job for several years, but would now like to changes directions. He has applied for the new choice of job but has not been so lucky to be accepted. He has not been told exactly why, but the thought is it’s probably to do with his hearing. He has always been a very hard, dependable worker, and trusts God for all his needs. He and his lovely wife trusted God for several  years before they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

I am now taking a bold step in asking God to grant my grandson his request for this job he has his heart set on. I understand that God knows best, but I also understand that God can remove every obstacle. He can also supple anything that my grandson may be lacking in order to qualify for this job. The bible says “Let your request be known.” I’m letting this request be known, and I will notify everyone when it is fulfilled. It may take some time for God to do all He needs to do, but I will wait without any doubt that He will answer this request. It might not even be the exact job my grandson wants, but if not it will be something he will like even better. May I have your prayers to ask God for this miracle? The word tells us “the prayer of faith shall heal the sick.” We never know when several are praying just whose faith touched God. That is why all believers of God are bound together in one faith. Miracles are still happening every day. If you don’t believe just look at the President we now have as commander-in-Chief. And look at the obstacles that God has to remove every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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