Monday, October 2, 2017

I am the author of the poem I am posting again today. I posted it last Saturday the day the Las Vegas shooter was casing the designated area where he shot and killed 58 people and wounded over 400. I am not quite sure why the words to this poem came to me, now after hearing this news today. I sent the poem with a letter to President Trump this morning. It seems very fitting to the incident that happened in Las Vegas this morning. October 2, 2017. Some of you read the poem I posted last Saturday, but some did not. That's why I'm posting it again along with the letter I wrote the President. 

 A Miraculous Outcome

Life is a frustration,

as all around we can see.

It’s all about skin and blood,

far too much has been taken from thee.

Yet the spirit from deep within

keeps fighting on,

this war we will to win,

It’s a war against evil

Which you did not began.

They said it was impossible

For you to be president.

Some even refused ,

And many were hesitant,

But did pretend

Although your Inauguration they did not attend.

It’s been said that a man is not welcome in his own nation,

But that did not stop the chosen one from hastening,

 on to fulfill the will of the people,

Like a favorite son.

A winner you were, a winner you are,

A winner you will be when the worlds on fire.

Thank you Mr. President, Donald Trump,

You are taking us over the hump,

All the evil will all go to the dump.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

 Written September 30, 2017


October 2, 2017

Dear Mr. President Trump,

I have written this poem, enclosed, to let you know how much I appreciate you. I would like to point out this poem was written three days before the Las Vegas massacre, at the same time the shooter was casing the designated area..

I wrote a poem to President Ronald Regan while he was president, and sent it to him. To my surprise I received a signed seal of a, thank you, note. The poem along with the signed seal note was printed in our local paper, The Perryton Herald.

I am an 84 year old widow, and have written positive things about you daily since the day you announced your candidacy for president. I have written favorably about you on my daily blog, ( twitter, face book, and other internet sites. Hardly ever a day goes by that I don’t offer praise, and admiration for your dedicated service to America. There is no doubt that you are the chosen one to lead our country back to God.

I am a published author, and an artist. I have painted you and Melania dancing together at the Inauguration Ball. It hangs in my dinning room, and I am one proud owner of it. I have had many good complements on it. Even have had some interested buyers. It is not for sale. I am going to try and send you a picture of the portrait, although it won’t be as brilliant as it is hanging on my wall.

If I could get another signed, seal from another sitting President, I would be so grateful. My donations money wise, have been small, but when it is decided that the  GOP establishment will not be able to use money donated to you, I will contribute more. I have been very upset with my life-long party. I am trusting you, with God’s help, to change the system as it now operates. I believe that all of those supporters of you, according to my reading, are still strong supporters, and you have even gained a lot more.

This poem titled “A Miraculous Outcome” is a declaration for the American odyssey. I trust it will reach your desk, and maybe help a tiny bit to continue on with your determined will to make America great again.

God Bless you and your wonderful family.

Myrtle Jean Sharp
1114 Michigan St.
Perryton, TX 79070
806 648 1900  806 202 0329

“When The Angel Came.” 

“Above or Below”

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