Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"I Exploded Today With Praise"

Rick Sharp and youngest daughter, Rayna, at Rayna's nurse graduation, 2002, Houston, TX. 10-4-2017 Perryton, TX

Each day of my life I am led by the Holy Spirit. Many of my viewers will not agree with that, but I have to be honest with my belief. I never know from one day to the next what I will be writing about on my blogs. After I go to bed at night, usually about 11 p.m., I lie in bed and let my mind wonder for about three hours. I usually drop off to sleep around 2 o’clock in the morning. I have never taken sleeping pills, or any other kind of drugs except my two prescriptions, blood pressure, and cholesterol. I take Tylenol occasional for pain. I am, and always have been a firm believer that God wants people’s mind to be sober at all times. I have delivered five babies, and never have I been sedated to the point I did not know every word the doctor or nurse said to me. I was put in a coma with anesthesia while undergoing open heart surgery. Outside of that, and delivering my babies, I have never been admitted to a hospital.

To be honest, I am disturbed at the knowledge of millions of people who are taking depression drugs. I just head lately that 70 percent of Americans take a drug for depression. That blows my mind. Can we even wonder why so much evil, and corruption, is happening here in America every day? Why, why, we ask ourselves, is this the case with God’s people? I have my own theories, but I can do nothing about it, but pray.

So many people who were born with good intentions have been hooked on something that they thought would help them to keep those good intentions. The burdens of life became too heavy, as is always the case, without God in their life. They looked for something to help them keep from committing suicide. Many found it, but could not continue to function normally anyway. Trial, after trial found them weak, and soon it had imprisoned them to the everlasting  torture of living a horrible life. Who can we blame? It might be surprising to know that everyone of us might have had a reason for many of these helpless victims to be imprisoned today.

I have some family members who are also victims of this imprisoned life.
To say the least, those of my family were, and still are, brilliant citizens of a drug ravaged country. They are still living a life of blessing others, while they themselves struggle to stay positive. They know their mistakes, and try to help others from making the same ones. I am here to tell you I do not condom the wrong in anyone, even my own loved ones; But as God has put His love in my heart many years ago,(a personal, miraculous, happening,) I cannot fail to see the good in all addicted victims of drug abuse. I want to stress that drugs will never make anyone stronger, or wiser, than they were born to be. They may help keep you alive longer, if prescribed by a doctor, but even then doctors are the reason the 70 percent of depressant-drug user’s are using them. They are not miracle doctors, just sympathizers to a hurting, very sick, person.

My son and granddaughter I have posted this morning are so dear to my heart. Yes, both of them have broken my heart many times, but both are trying harder by the day to be that special person God intended them to be. They have set a record, in my opinion, of working harder, and sacrificing more than most others, to have learned, and required the knowledge they now possess. I am extremely proud of both of them, and pray for that miracle to happen in their life any day now. My granddaughter is a certified surgical nurse in Houston, TX. She is always there helping the doctors to save a life. She is smart, and aggressive, and will find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Her dad, my son, is a pride to my every being. He has been very successful with his ambitious, and hard work, and is still depended upon for sound advise. He is retired, and lives close to his daughter. They are a great blessing to each other. These two precious children are just the tip of the scales of what my other children, and grandchildren are to me. I am challenging my favorite President, Donald Trump, in boasting about his children. I certainly agree with him, that his is the greatest next to mine.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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