Sunday, October 1, 2017

"A Symbol Of Thoughtfulness"

The blood and body of Christ as our church observes every Sunday morning. 10-1-2017 Perryton, TX

Each Sunday at The First Christian Church we partake of the Lord’s supper as He asked us to do at the Last Supper with His disciples before His death on the cross.  It’s such a simple, easy way to honor our Lord and Savior who gave his life for our sins. Everyone who takes the bread and wine can feel the presence of Jesus so dear to their heart. One cannot walk away from that table without feeling a bit of guilt for the death of our Savior. He died for all of us, not just some of us. How could any human have that much love for even the vilest of sinners? Yes, Jesus was a human when He died on the cross. God sent Him form Heaven to earth to become flesh while he preached the Gospel of Christ. Jesus was the same flesh, and blood, as you and I. He endured the same insults, persecution, and beatings, as you and I can relate to today. His human weakness was as sure as ours. He was tempted over, and over, to give up, and deny God, but He never gave into the temptations. We owe Him our all, and I will always be at His table to honor His request. “do this often in remembrance of me.” “Oh Hallelujah What A Savor That He Gave His Life For You And Me.” A wonderful old hymn that is older than I. It still is a wonderful hymn, but not sung enough anymore. Like the modern rebels of today, who are trying to do away with our countries pride, and respect, the church members are following suit with our Christian pride and respect. Forget the past, and start something new. We all as true followers of Christ have a responsibility to stand fast in our beginning. Those who do not will be spewed out of God’s mouth. Revelation 3:16. We cannot be “Holier than thou,” with our stance, but we can refuse to drop our arms in praise to God. That is to say if we feel like that is the way we want to thank God. This type of worship, just like all other types is not a requirement of God. But anyone knows the difference between following one’s own heart, and rebelling against God and country.

I was blessed last evening to share dinner with several members of the Widow and Widowers group. Nothing can be more pleasing than getting together and sharing the latest joys and concerns. Then to enjoy a good meal that you didn’t have to cook yourself. I am so thankful for every blessing God gives me. “Where two or three are gathered together there will God be in their midst.” This group never has to doubt that. Every Saturday evening I am ready to gather together. Sometimes the week is too long, but it finally gets here. I’m planning on another time of good food and fellowship tomorrow at the Senior Citizens Center. I must stay out of that recliner.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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