Saturday, August 5, 2017

"The Need Was Simple"

Little 5th grader boy stopped in front of my house today. I did not know him, but I do now. 8-5-2017 Perryton, TX

I did one of my good deeds for today, without a doubt. I stepped out on my front porch to see a little boy sitting on the curb with his head down. His bicycle was lying beside him. I waited for a few minutes thinking he would ride off, but he just kept sitting there. I knew he wasn’t from my neighborhood. The child looked around at me, but he still didn’t get up. I thought he might have crashed and was hurt. I walked over to him and asked if he was hurt. He just nodded his head no, but still kept sitting there. I moved closer to him and started a conversation. I asked him where he lived, and he pointed toward the east, but it didn’t tell me much. I said it’s a windy day, isn’t it. He just kept sitting with his head down. When I asked him his name I didn’t recognize it as someone I knew. Then he told me his grandmother’s name and I knew her well. I told him how long I had known his grandmother, but I didn’t personally know the boy’s mother. He began to brighten up, and started talking back. I asked him if he was getting ready to start to school, he said yes. Then I asked him what grade he would be in, he told me the fifth. I said to him, “man you are nearly half way through already.” He smiled at me, and asked me my name. I told him, and said tell your grandmother hello for me. He said o k and I turned to walk away. He hesitated to ride off till I was nearly to my front porch. I was made to realize that the little guy needed someone to talk to him. I believe this was a case for my attention today. “Thank you Lord.” Of course this little guy will be on my prayer list tonight. I am aware of the hardship this family has endured over the years. A good family, but many problems. I trust I might have served a purpose in this child’s life today.

How many times have we been guilty of ignoring a situation that God has appointed us to take care of? Too many I am sure. One time is too many. We are on this earth for a reason other than to think only of our‘s, and ourselves. I want so much to be a faithful servant to my Lord. I can live with criticism, and rejection from earthlings, but I must feel accepted by God. I have never doubted that fact since my annunciation from Jesus. No one has ever been able to take that from me. Every day I live is another day lived for God. I would not have it any other way. That also means another day of offering myself for encouragement to others. I would love to be a Mary Magdalene who was the first to discover the empty tomb of Jesus. She loved Him so much that she visited His tomb daily. I have always heard nourished love never dies, but unnourished love always dies. May my love for Jesus be shown Him twenty-four-seven.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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