Wednesday, August 2, 2017

"Raking Up Rotten Apples"

                    Apples raked up and ready to take to dumpster. 8-2-2017 Perryton, TX

I had to get my yard ready for the mower today. I raked up several piles of apples that the birds left partly to rot. They didn’t smell good, and I did not enjoy raking them up and shoveling them in the trash can. However, I feel proud of myself for using my muscles a lot today. I have done more work today than I’ve done in quite awhile. I endured the back pain very well, even though I had to rest several times. I have sewed some, and cooked a meal. Traveled to the insurance company to pay my premium. But more thrilled about getting a lot more file cabinet drawers sorted out. If only I can just keep this ambitious streak for awhile, I would be most happy. Work can pile up when one does too much relaxing. However I’m thankful that I can choose my own work load each day without having to answer to anyone. I can never make people know how good the Lord has be to me. There are just not words. When I am down He picks me up. When I am up He makes me happy, and I forget that I was ever down. My Lord has a job for me to do each day, and even though it is at my own convenience He always reminds me that I haven’t acted yet on the one thing I love to do most, send out praise and admiration of His blessings. It is at that time when I can rest the most. That’s why I’m here writing my blog today.

I enjoy reading others blogs also. Just the simplest little testimonies  can cheer someone up, and make them rejoice in the Lord. Sometimes it can be years before we hear about how one of our blogs helped someone to recover from maybe a suicidal threat, or a renewing of one’s faith for healing, and many other remarkable things. I can relate to that, and I am so thankful for every good deed I have done when someone tells me about it. I believe sometimes God doesn’t want us to know when He has used us to bless others. He has a way of keeping people silent for a reason. The scripture says, “hide thyself behind the cross and lift up Jesus.” If we lift up ourselves, then God gets no glory. I give it all to Him always. My blessings are mine, and I don’t need any praise from others. Of course we all like to feel loved ,and appreciated, but if we don’t always feel that way, don’t worry. God sees every frown on our heart, and He helps us keep our eyes closed from tears. He has the number of hairs on our heads. Can anyone possible be proud to exchange that LOVE for a, sometimes fake love, that is expressed by others? I do not covet the love expression that others may give out of necessity. I like the genuine words from the depth of peoples heart. I am one also who practices that sermon. I do love everyone because God is love, and I have Him in my heart, but I do not have to smear anyone with it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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