Monday, July 3, 2017

"Well Hello Pretty Bird"

                                       Good morning pretty bird. 7-3-2017 Perryton, TX

I was watering the flowers this morning when this little bird flew and landed on the fence a few yards from me. It was obvious that this visitor was saying “good morning to me.” The bird sat there for quite awhile until I moved to change the water. I think it was a robin, but it looked a little husky for a robin. I love these friendly little creatures who are my closest, nature sharing clicks. We know all about beauty without the beast. The pretty little chunk of orange feathers made my day much more meaningful. It’s all about moving around, and cheering someone up. I will do my best to keep doing that.

Today I am planning, and arranging for a lake picnic with a friend tomorrow. The 4th of July is always an exciting time at our lake just twenty miles away. Many people gather there to celebrate, and enjoy family and friends every year. My menu will be simple and ready to eat when we get there. No cooking or roasting winners this year. We will have ham salad sandwiches, potato chips, strawberry, chiffon pie and Pepsi’s for drinks. I will take a little extra just in case someone comes by who didn’t take food. An extra folding chair or two will also be available. This is the way I was raised. Always take more than you expect to use, because sometimes someone may not be as prepared as we are. I am thankful for every blessing God has given me, including good health, and plenty of food. I want to share, and help others to feel blessed also.

I’m still committed to supporting out President Trump. His strength is being exposed more and more each day. Probably two-thirds of the world population is against him because he is the now leader of the Christian world. Evil has increased five hundred percent over the past few years, and continues to increase daily. Nothing seems to matter about LGBT people gaining more control every day over the demand of the Holy Bible that declares it is an abomination to God. It must be addressed as such if this world is ever to be forgiven, and accepted by it’s Creator again. Making new laws, and allowing for the LGBT people to be accepted as normal, will not ever please God. Neither will surgeries to change the sex of a born male, or female, have one ounce of approval from the Creator. This is just two of the worst evils that are rampant in the world today. But I believe it is the two that will finally destroy this wasted paradise we had a chance to peaceably live in forever. I have been awaken to the fact that silence is an approval of sin no matter how much the law allows for. Soon there will be no law of the land at all except the law that will kill every human who tries to live for Jesus. Are we or aren’t we going to stand with our President to gain back our Christian heritage? There is no middle ground.

God  Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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