Sunday, July 9, 2017

"Brave As A Hungry Butterfly"

        Breakfast for butterfly Hedi. Echinacea  Coneflower special. 7-9-2017 Perryton TX

As I was leaving for church this morning I noticed this little black butterfly eating away on the Echinacea Coneflower. It was so hungry till it refused to fly even when I put the camera almost on top of it. Again I was reminded of the miraculous wonders of nature. There is peace in my front yard while Christians all over the world are getting their heads cut off. I just saw this past week where twelve good men in Kenya dressed in orange suits ,were waiting to have their heads cut off by ISIS. They were loyal Kenya supporters. How much longer, and how much closer to our own front yards will this evil escalate? Too many un-thankful people are ignoring the extreme effort so many are making to keep peace and freedom in America. Try as we may it will not happen to register on foolish people who have their goals set on worldly fame. Fame in hell is worse than getting heads cut off. The regret will never cease in hell, while pain will end for those who died for peace and freedom. I saw this very example today in church. It is as real as the nose on your face. How unpleasant it is to talk about matters such as this, but it must be acknowledged, and met with strong, Godly force. Weakness, and uncertainty are not two of God’s chosen quality factors. Heads up for the real challenge ahead.

The church dinner today was a real deal for those who chose to stay and eat. Just being in the midst of a crowd of likewise believers is the next best to being in heaven. Not to mention the delicious food that only those likewise believers can prepare. Yes, peace can still be enjoyed, but we must acknowledge that it is a special blessing from God. Man alone cannot make it happen. I see a miracle in progress every time I enter our church. I have not always seen that, “I was blind, but now I see.” As long as we accept our role as a member of God’s house, we will be blessed without a doubt. It’s not what we think we are, nor what we want to claim we are, but it’s what God called us to be. The curtain openers, and closers, are most important, since the show cannot go on without them. Yet they aren’t seen from the audience. God will bless them for a hidden job that He chose them to do. I am  keeping a secret insult given me by a minister of a church, because I am positive it was directed by God. Only a few have I ever shared this hard blow with, but I wish no evil upon the minister who hit me. My job was accomplished, and I am at peaces with myself. I have to wonder if the same holds true for the minister. While he did his job, does it mean that he was blameless? Something for all of us to think about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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