Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"A Peaceful Mini Garden Of Eden"

This squirrelie little dude is guarding Miss Bee, can see only her legs in the rocks. 7-4-2017 Perryton, TX

I am spending the 4th of July at home. We had a thunderstorm last night, and I heard it was worse at the lake. I won’t take any chances on getting trapped at that lake. The roads wash out sometimes to where you can’t travel until they are graded and filled in. I will be quite contented to stay home where I will be safe and sound. In our area we mostly got rain 60, 100th of an inch. A little bit of dime-size hail, but no damage was done. The flower garden looks great after all the grass and weeds have been removed, and the nice rain livened them up. I took this picture of the little squirrel guarding Miss Bee.

This may sound squirrelly also, but just moments after I sat down in a lawn chair this morning, I believe it was the same little robin that sat there yesterday, immediately dove to the fence top a few yards from my chair. If it wasn’t the same one, it was one just like it. I posted it’s picture yesterday, because it was so beautiful, and so amazingly unusual. It sat on the fence while I went in the house and got the camera. It didn’t fly till I got up to change the water. Now again this morning the same thing happened. What is going on with me that birds are overly friendly with me? Then last week I mentioned the little frog that sat on a brick in my flower garden within inches of where I was cutting out grass. It never moved when I got up, so I went for the camera and when I came back, it had left.  I keep thinking about the Garden of Eden when all animals and fowl were friends, and no sin or evil had yet entered the earth. How nice it would be if that could happen again, and by the way, it will happen again according to the bible. I am not one of those whom have seen it all, and done everything; Therefore are ready to leave this earth for something else. It seems as thought the older I get the more I am enjoying this life. I just had to slow it down a bit.

Sometimes I still have anger and frustration to strike me. I still have times when I try again to change the ways of a person, I still say I will never try again, but that is a lie, I don’t give up easy. I still have times of loneliness, and wish for a companion, but that too is a fake idea, I am too independent to ever change myself. If I took on a companion I would definitely have to change. I am so blessed to be free from anyone, or anything, that controls my life. Being alone is different, that’s for sure, but being unleashed is a true sign of freedom. Peace comes with freedom, and that is priceless. It keeps me close to the arms of God, who loves me more than any other could ever. No, I’m really not alone, you just don’t see my partner. He is invisible.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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