Sunday, May 1, 2016

"May Day Thoughts"

The cloud in the east looks like more rain. We have had two days of it already. Green is everywhere. 5-1-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                            Love the green and healthy looking grass. 5-1-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I didn’t get flowers put on my door today. I really missed them. Last May-day I was blessed with a nice bouquet of assorted flowers. This May-day it is cold and rainy. I can see why the children were kept at home. My blessing go out to them anyway. We are grateful for the rain, but the cold weather is not something I appreciate. I believe we have several more days of it predicted. The nights get down into the low thirties. Quite unusual for May. I am thankful that no tornados have been spotted near our area. Also the floods that have killed several people in other areas is a very bad situation. It makes me want to stay put where I have been living for the past sixty years.

I received a Mother’s Day card from my youngest son yesterday. I don’t  know if he thought today was Mother’s Day, or whether he couldn’t wait to tell me how much he loves me. I love that child so much till I’m glad he sent it a week early. Its because of all the love my children show me that I’m still able to do all my work and enjoy living. They are worth every tear I shed for them, every bad word I spoke to them, and every dime I spent on them to make them smart and sassy. We went through life’s ups and downs, and now we are laughing about all the impossible things we conquered. They all know how good God has been to us.

Troubles and trials still do come our way, but never without a way to get through them. At the end of the day they weren’t as bad as we had thought at first. It’s the lack of faith that makes us worry. If Jesus’  own disciples lacked faith how can we be more steadfast than they? I believe Jesus understands our weaknesses, and while He may scold us, He does not leave us wanting. We should all understand that it is wrong for us to blame someone else for our own mistakes. Jesus does not approve of that. Let us accept our own mistakes, correct them, and thank God for the grace He gave us to do it. Repentance is necessary for a sweet peace of mind when we have wronged someone. As much as it hurts our ego, we must confess our guilt before God. Unless we are sincere we need not confess. It did not change a thing if we held back the real feeling of sorrow. Is that hard to do? Yes, but with the grace of God we can let it all go. If I have no other friend in the world but Jesus, I can live my life. The truth is if we have Jesus we have everything.

That concludes my message today. Take it or leave it. Only those for whom it was meant for will take it with appreciation.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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