Monday, June 1, 2015

"This Is Not A Joke"

I have never seen a deformed asparagus plant before. The long crocked stem is lying flat on the ground ,crocked, and about 3' long. It is the only one out of dozens that is growing lying on top of the ground. It is lively, and growing longer every day. 6-1-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Bachelor buttons are dressing up the flower beds more each day. Such perfect arrangement of flowers. 6-1-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have such a noticeable deformity in one of the asparagus plants in my bed of dozens of tall and healthy asparagus plants. Three feet of a stalk coming out of the ground is growing twisted and curved on top of the ground as it grows in height  All the other plants are tall and straight up. This deformed plant looks like a snake lying among the other plants. I will be watching it grow to see what it turns into. When I show this to my horticulturist son he may advise me to cut it down or several more unwanted plants may grow that way next year. I like things that want to be different than their natural breed, but I don’t want a full house of them. The unusual, stand-out look of some things gives me interest and makes me want to keep them alive. The thick bed of bachelor buttons are growing and increasing in beauty every day. They are admirable to anyone’s eye. Later on there will be other kinds of pretty flowers to border my yard. Some are in the blooming stage at this time, just need a few more days. I am waiting for the little humming birds to show up and start enjoying the flowers also. I will have my camera ready. Butterflies also like to taste the sweetness of the flowers. Some of those have broad wings when spread out fully. I love their modeling while twisting and turning on the flowers. Oh! The joy of relaxing in the lawn chairs and watching the beauty of God’s nature at work all around us.

We made a fast, but pleasant trip to Liberal today. We didn’t do much more than pick up something for my son, but we took notice of the many wind mills going up that will produce electricity  when completed. We could see hundreds I’m quite sure. I fear this is a, “no go,” for America. I believe it is just another ‘set back’ for us. Everyone can have an opinion if they please. We also saw the wheat ripening fast in the fields. In a few days it will be ready to harvest. It will not be the crop everyone hoped for, but the experts say it will be average. The past few years has been way below average, so average sounds good to some. The harvesters coming in will boast the economy for a little while. The businesses will be grateful.

We are now using our air conditioners. Today is the first day I have turned ours on. I just hope the summer days won’t be to terrible hot for long. We may be praying for more rain before long. The water bill is our greatest concern. It doesn’t take much to make the bill sky high. Without it the yards and flowers will die fast. We can accept what God allows us to have. Its nice to have everything nice, but it is not a must. I am so excited about the lake we like to fish in being full to the brim. There is where we will spend a lot of time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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