Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"My Dear Glenn Beck"

      My best image for an important opinion I have for Glenn Beck. 6-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

My dear Glenn Beck, 
I think I have had a shadowed opinion of you all along. I didn’t know you supported the “Gay Rights Movement.” Or am I wrong? I am with you on loving all humankind regardless of  who or what they are, but I am also very much opposed to homosexuality. There can be no doubt that the bible makes it clear, God does not allow for it. I believe like all other choices man makes, he also makes the choice to be attracted to the same sex, sexually. For whatever reason some people chose to do this I don’t know, but it is shameful and a disgrace to God’s Holy Word. Next to murder, homosexuality and changing of gender by surgery, (actually a joke)  is the worse kind of sin. Many other types of sin fall right under these top two, but when God destroys two entire cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, because mainly of homosexuality,  I say homosexuality is a forbidden act by God. What God did to these two cities I believe He is doing to the entire world today, only in a different manner. I believe we are either for God or against Him. We cannot be half-way. Am I, or anyone else sin free? Absolutely not, but the sins we commit are judged according to their degree, just like the law-breakers of our land are judged according to the measure of their offence. God has the final say, and He can be angry to the point of destroying lives.  At this point Glenn, I don’t know what to say to you because I have not known your stance on homosexuality before now, but I have to say I feel like you are wrong about the solution to the worlds problems. I think you are dealing with God and not with man. Am I upset about the evil doers who are acting out the plan of God? Yes sir! I am. I feel like I could do unto them as they are doing unto others, but I know that is not the Christian way to react. I will continue to ask God to do what I would like to do. I will also continue to pray for you because I feel like you have been crushed under the hoofs of that evil one, Satan.” He is well known for taking the repented ones whom God has given much favor to, and using every ounce of his strength to destroy what God has ordained in a new servant. Along the way you will be freed from all Satan’s tactics, and come forth victoriously. I still have faith in you. The bravery you have displayed is real, but needs more time to develop its entirety. You are right when you say we will be held accountable for doing nothing about the terrible evil being committed in this world today, but we will also be held accountable if we chose to do the wrong things. I am not a judge, Thank God, but I am a person of an opinion, thank God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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