Monday, June 8, 2015

" The Moon That Broke This Story"

Half-moon showing after a hard rain last evening. Such clear blue sky replacing the black clouds we seen last evening. 6-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I will never quit admiring with amazement, the moon that appears so often when the sun is shinning behind it. I need to clear that statement up a bit. The earth is round, so I’m told, when I see this white half-moon in the west, I also see a bright sun in the east. I suppose it is incorrect to say the sun is behind the moon, since they both are showing at the same time. At least they bring me gladness, and hope, for light in my life to see my way through. I hear from preachers of God’s word saying we are living in dark times. I believe that, but somehow I have to believe people have always lived in dark times. Not all people, of course, but never in history anywhere in our possession has all people been free from pain and suffering. The nearest to perfect is the bible teaching of Adam and Eve, before they committed the first sin. The world God created at that time was perfect, After the “First Couple” sinned, never again has human life been free from pain and suffering. I have to believe God’s judgment has been in place every since that time. The more His people disobeyed His word, the more the people suffered. God’s wrath was poured out many of times with more and more fierceness each time, but still  His beloved children continued to disobey. I hesitate to inflict upon anyone my true opinion of why there is so many, underprivileged countries, with millions of people barely surviving, be cause of my love for all humankind; But, what I feel has been revealed to me since my first bible teaching with the Holy Spirit being the teacher, is the reason for, seemingly unfair judgment, because of  evil minds, and a demanding control of what God ruled over. I also believe at that specific time God divided the people into groups that would be distinguishable to all for throughout time. I have to add, that there is more to this lesson, but I cannot cover it all now. I will say, just as most people are confused by God’s chosen people, the Israelites, being persecuted so severally, but have been promised victory in time, so I believe the same holds true for what we now call underprivileged humankind. They also will be victorious in time. In fact that is evident at this time. God’s ways have been planned since He created the world. I do feel as though people had a choice to be free from the tribulation that evolves from all the evil filling the earth. In plainer words. I go back to the scripture, Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived, God is not mocked,  for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. That is not to say that a man cannot start sowing good seeds, and start reaping good fruits. Their ground may not be as fertile as before the bad seeds were sown, but good seed will produce good fruit even in no-so-good soil.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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