Thursday, June 4, 2015

"Go Without A Show"

Ex-Texas Governor, Rick Perry, announces candidacy for president today. 6-2015 Perryton, Texas.

OMG! another chance for America. Please my fellow Americans who failed to see the real man for Presidency in 2008, Please don’t make the same mistake again. Rick Perry is the only person at this time who can restore this great nation back to its greatness. Most of the American people either don’t care, or have given up hope on America ever being free again. I was holding onto faith, but have to admit my faith was very weak. After Hearing Rick Perry speak about his great faith in America this morning, I became highly motivated. However, because he failed to push forward in his first run for president, I felt like he believed he could never convince the people, even with his outstanding progress record for eight years as Texas Governor, that he was the one who could reclaim our freedom. He discovered that far more liberals existed than he had any idea of. Now after dealing six more years with the unbelievable liberal population, I think he is more than ready to hit back. I have made up my mind I will not spare any damnation to those who chose to continue to hand our country over to the enemy. The right man for this job of putting a stop to insane actions that this present president has been doing for over six years, has spoken and declared his candidacy this morning.

I personally know Governor Rick Perry and his parents. I lived for six months in the same town his parents lived in, and went to the same church. This family is a true Christian model of what the bible teaches. I reserve no feeling for any of those who I believe would not agree with me because they want the liberty that might not be given them if they voted, even for the right person for president. If they put their own desires above the peace and security of our country, then write them off. Don’t make any compromise for them. If you compromise then you will be as useless as your voter was. Stand up to the real convictions of your own soul and you will win if God is willing to give an extended period of mercy to His people. Remember God is in control and His will surly will be had, but He has listened to His people before and offered more mercy. I believe He will do it again, but only if we deny the evil their right to chose bad over good. There is no half-way place to meet here and now. Tough means the opposite of cowardly. How many Daniels do we have in our court? Even one would prove the power of Almighty God. Wake up! Shape up! Its now or never. Let us all get behind Rick Perry and lift him up to the hilltops in our prayers. I dare you to ignore this warning. God is nobody’s fool.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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