Friday, June 5, 2015

"A Load Off My Shoulder"

A young school girl busy this morning mowing the school practice field. The football bleachers can be seen in the background. 6-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Another morning activity seen near my house is joggers religiously keeping in shape. 6-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While sitting on the porch this morning peacefully drinking my coffee, I watched with interest two busy young people fulfilling their duties. One young girl was mowing the large school practice field riding on a fast-moving mower. She was earning money which is a very admirable credit for her. She has the school grounds looking nice all the time. The other young girl was jogging keeping up her athletic ability to compete when school resumes this fall. My mind was interrupted a brief moment from the terrible, disgusting news about a cover-up of a super religious family, supposedly role models for all families. I have been seeing this, “breaking news” now for several days. I suppose my disgust is for anyone who had put their interest and support into this fake, religious, cult type show seen on T V. Then after the real truth comes out, the same people still try to defend the family, as well as the entire cult. I have always known that many people, even those connected with the news media, would do about anything for money. But I can’t understand how they could commit themselves to destroying many young people’s lives while getting rich themselves. I spare no mercy for those sinful, either by ignorance, or greedy desires, whatever, I believe in keeping up with the news, but it is too bad that we have to watch such trash as this kind of human behavior. My own opinion of this couple is too bad for me to speak about on face book or blog. As far the media, I am quick to say the greedy money-seekers needed to be exposed for what they are. Poor examples of holding up the true Christian values which is absolutely necessary for our country to be blessed. This type of revelation from a religious cult has been making news for many years. I wonder why anyone would respond in such a surprising manner. Something can be said about those kind of people also. Where has our respect for plain old Christ- like teaching gone to? I have never read where Christ taught people to have a dozen or two kids and teach them not to do the same. What kind of church leader could you call one like that? Where has people’s “common sense” gone to? Do they not know that Christ taught repenting from sin instead of practicing it daily? If one would teach Christ, and Him being crucified, and being raised on the third day, now making intercession for our sins, that would be enough for our children to either believe or not to believe. Sex was never, never talked about by Jesus. He never told anyone to have sex just to breed and multiply their family. I have not, or will not, try to describe myself as a perfect Christian, but I will never be guilty of trying to convince women that they should bear one baby right after another so a man can brag on his muscularity sex ability. It seems as though he might be advertising deals and thrills. Maybe the news media could come up with something better if they really tried very hard. My time has expired. More next time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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