Sunday, May 3, 2015

"Patio Worship Service This Sunday Morning"

A tiny butterfly is sitting at the very top about center of the chive blooms. It was so pretty to watch just fluttering its wings. 5-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The same butterfly can be seen in this picture. When double click it is much more visible. 5-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I sat out on the patio this Sunday morning listening to the loud singing and worshiping noises of many bird’s coming from every tree around. It sounded like our Sunday morning worship services used to sound. The birds haven’t been silenced yet like the people have. There are no laws to stop the birds from having a fun and energetic time together. On the contrary the human kind have been over powered with changes in how they can worship. it’s a thing called legal liability. The church pastor or board can be held liable for insulting a person, or persons,  who is legally married to a same-sex partner. Anything the preacher preaches against that offends the guilty conscience of a member can be used against them in court if the offended chooses to file a complaint. In other words the ministers of today cannot preach against what God told them to without being punished by the law in some way. We might as well face it, for it is a fact. On the other hand some preachers choose to preach liberal for a reason of money and prestige. With either case I believe both types of ministers will be held accountable by God. The Word of God is the truth, and not to be watered down. Shame on people who won’t stand up to it. I am not afraid to mention one well-known name here who is standing up to that responsibility. I praise, and pray with all my might for Glenn Beck. The odds are against him in the natural, but he has vowed to go all the way with God’s word, even if it means his death. What a man of God he is! Very few, in fact I don’t know any who can match that command. At least they have not sworn to do it on national TV. Another well known and Godly man, whom I did hear on national TV to not back down on his courage, no matter what, is Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. He is putting his life on the line because of his country. He believes, and rightly so, that Israel will win against any foe that comes against them, even if no other country stands with them. In my opinion his courage matches the courage of King David, the one time little Sheppard boy. I also pray for this brave, and Godly man every night. Cowards can never win a war against evil. The bragging giant couldn’t win against the little Sheppard boy, and the evil human butchers cannot win against the little country of Israel. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. We may be as filthy rags in God’s sight, but what God has cleansed let no man call unclean. Praise His Holy name! Its time for all little David’s to come forward and beg for an opportunity to face that evil giant. David would not be talked out of his bravery. He gave reason for the king to believe him and pled for a chance to go out and face the giant. The plea was given, and the giant was dead with one little stone David slung at him. Hallelujah be to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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