Saturday, May 2, 2015

"I Heard A Voice From Above"

Roses in front yard have just started to bloom.I'm very pleased with the way they are looking. 5-2-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Backyard flower bed is looking good too. The awesome rain we had made everything start growing fast. 5-2-2015 Perryton, Texas.

What an uplifting I have had since the wonderful 4” of rain. Life is showing up everywhere. I have noticed plants and flowers coming up in out-of-way places. If I don’t mow them down I will have a yard full of mixed flowers. They are even looking like first birth plants. So colorful and healthy looking. The grass is so green and plush. I feel encouraged every time I walk through my yards. Our own lives can be just as healthy and colorful if we keep taking good care of them. We can have a good spiritual rain just like the natural rain. We only have to ask for it, and then be thankful after we receive it. I would rather be singing than griping. It just feels better. Sometimes we see something close to us that saddens our hearts so badly, which was the case for me today. It took me several hours to absorb a situation that I never knew existed. In fact I was shocked, but I finally heard a voice from above speaking to me. “Cheer up faithful one, everyone doesn’t have to have all the luxuries you have to be happy. Health, family, news media, food and a roof over your head, even though it may leak, these are the things that money can’t buy, but are priceless. Little money is enough to make some people feel rich. Is there anything else on earth more important than that?” Then I answered,  I don’t think so. I have heard a lot of preachers telling their congregations to pray for prosperity. One preacher said he had received forty suits when he prayed for (some). Well that preacher is widely known as “The preacher with a lot of suits.” I do not want to be identified by my wealth. I want to be remembered as the Christian lady who loved everyone, and prayed for their health, and happiness, not prosperity. I believe God prospers people who put Him first. But I don’t think that means making then wealthy. I personally know several wealthy people who are miserable. Their money just won’t buy the hope they are searching for to find everlasting peace. I’m glad I was taught that as a child, otherwise, I may still be in my miserable, sinful condition, without any hope either. I do give God the glory for making me appreciate clean, pleasant, and interesting characteristics that I have. I am not perfect, nor am I better than anyone else, but It just fit me to want to be an owner of these few traits. God allowed me to have those desired blessings. I respect others for being what they desire to be. It is not my place to make them change for something they don’t want to be. I just pray that all will be convicted of leaving God out of their lives, and repent with a desire for God to make them what He would have them to be. “Showers of blessings is what we all need.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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